Joan Barau
Principal Investigator

- Project: Project 16.2, Project A.05, Project A.06
- Research Group
- Address: IMB, Ackermannweg 4, 55128 Mainz
- Phone: +49 (0) 6131-39-21530
"The GenEvo is a wonderful network of support, learning and collaborations, and has shaped the ideas and projects of our students in an invaluable way."
- Since 2019: Group Leader, Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB), Mainz
- 2013–2019: Postdoctoral Researcher, Institut Curie, Paris
- 2006–2012: PhD in Genetics and Molecular Biology, University of Campinas
- 2001–2005: BS in Biology, University of Campinas
Dura M, Teissandier A, Armand M, Barau J, Lapoujade C, Fouchet P, Bonneville L, Schulz M, Weber M, Baudrin LG, Lameiras S, Bourc’his D (2022)
DNMT3A-dependent DNA methylation is required for spermatogonial stem cells to commit to spermatogenesis Nature Genetics, 54:469–480 -
Mosler T, Conte F, Longo GMC, Mikicic I, Kreim N, Möckel MM, Petrosino G, Flach J, Barau J, Luke B, Roukos V, Beli P (2021)
R-loop proximity proteomics identifies a role of DDX41 in transcription-associated genomic instability Nature Communications, 12:7314 -
Prakash SA and Barau J (2020)
Chromatin Profiling in Mouse Embryonic Germ Cells by CUT&RUN Methods in Molecular Biology, 253–264 -
Barau J, Teissandier A, Zamudio N, Roy S, Nalesso V, Hérault Y, Guillou F and Bourc’his D (2016)
The DNA methyltransferase DNMT3C protects male germ cells from transposon activity Science, 354(6314):909–912