Sandra Schick
Contributing Principal Investigator

- Address: IMB, Ackermannweg 4, 55128 Mainz
- Phone: +49 (0) 6131-39-21540
"Being part of a network of experts from different fields allows approaching questions around a topic from multiple perspectives to get a more holistic view."
- Since 2020: Group Leader, Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB), Mainz
- 2016-2020: Postdoctoral Fellow, CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria
- 2016: PhD in Molecular Biology, Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB), Mainz
- 2012: MSc in Biomedicine and Diploma in Biology, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz
- 2008: BSc in Molecular Biology, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz
Varga J, Kube M, Luck K and Schick S (2021)
The BAF chromatin remodeling complexes: structure, function, and synthetic lethalities Biochemical Society Transactions, 49(4):1489–1503 -
Li KC, Girardi E, Kartnig F, Grosche S, Pemovska T, Bigenzahn JW, Goldmann U, Sedlyarov V, Bensimon A, Schick S, Lin JMG, Gürtl B, Reil D, Klavins K, Kubicek S, Sdelci S and Superti-Furga G (2021)
Cell-surface SLC nucleoside transporters and purine levels modulate BRD4-dependent chromatin states Nature Metabolism, 3(5):651-664 -
Schick S, Grosche S, Kohl KE, Drpic D, Jaeger MG, Marella NC, Imrichova H, Lin JG, Hofstätter G, Schuster M, Rendeiro AF, Koren A, Petronczki M, Bock C, Müller AC, Winter GE, Kubicek S (2021)
Acute BAF perturbation causes immediate changes in chromatin accessibility Nature Genetics, 53(3):269-278. -
Schick S, Rendeiro AF, Runggatscher K, Ringler A, Boidol B, Hinkel M, Májek P, Vulliard L, Penz T, Parapatics K, Schmidl C, Menche J, Boehmelt G, Petronczki M, Müller AC, Bock C and Kubicek S (2019)
Systematic characterization of BAF mutations provides insights into intracomplex synthetic lethalities in human cancers Nat Genet, 51:1399–1410