Shikhara Bhat
Associated PhD student

- Project: Project A.18
- Research Group
- Address: 00-295, Nat Med, Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 7 – 15, 55128 Mainz
"The RTG brings together experts with diverse skillsets and perspectives, thus providing an invaluable resource for budding scientists to develop a solid background in evolutionary biology and genetics."
- Since 2024: PhD student in theoretical evolutionary ecology with AG Kokko
- 2018-2023: Integrated BS-MS at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune, India.
Thesis: Eco-evolutionary dynamics of finite populations from first principles
Sadiq MA, Bhat AS, Guttal V, Balakrishnan R (2024)
Spatial structure could explain the maintenance of alternative reproductive tactics in tree cricket males. Biology Open, 13(6):bio060307 -
Bhat AS, Guttal V (2024)
Eco-evolutionary dynamics for finite populations and the noise-induced reversal of selection BioRxiv, 2024.02.19.580940 -
Madabhushi AJ, Bhat AS, Krishnan A (2023)
Allopatric montane wren-babblers exhibit similar song notes but divergent vocal sequences. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 77:109 -
Bhat AS, Sane VA, Seshadri KS, Krishnan A (2022)
Behavioural context shapes vocal sequences in two anuran species with different repertoire sizes. Animal Behaviour, 184:111-129