Amirhossein Karimizadeh
Associated PhD student

- Project: Project A.19
- Research Group
- Address: Institute of Organismic and Molecular Evolution Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
- Phone: +49(0)6131-39 27840
"Meeting new people, who share the same passion for science, and care about our career growth"
- Since 2024: PhD studies on “Consequences of convergent loss olfactory receptors in slave making ants”
- 2021-2023: Master as a MEME (Master of Erasmus Mundus in Evolutionary Biology) student Double Degree from: Uppsala University and Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), Sweden and Germany.
First Master thesis: “Evolution of Sucrase Activity in Vertebrates” (Max Planck Institute for Biological intelligence)
Second Master thesis: “The Genetics of Hybrid Sterility in Heliconius Butterflies" (LMU) 2013-2016: BSc in Cell and Molecular Biology,University of Tehran, Iran.
Thesis: “A Comparative RNA Profiling Analysis of the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex of People with Bipolar Disorder and Major Depression"
Working Experience
Internship in Institut Des Sciences De L'evolution De Montpellier, Project title: “Expansion of MMP Proteins in Chondrichthyans”, France