Enrico Diniz Rodrigues Batista
Associated PhD student

- Project: Project A.15
- Research Group
- Address: Johann-Joachim-Becher Weg, 7 55128 Mainz
"Interdisciplinary collaboration and networking with diverse experts will broaden the scope and impact of my PhD research"
- Since 2023: PhD studies on Plant epigenetics and evolution
- 2022-2023: MSc in Genetics and Plant Breeding, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Thesis: Analysis of the variability and expression profile of sugarcane chitinases during infection by Sporisorium scitamineum. - 2016-2021: BSc in Biotechnology Engineering, State University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Thesis: Accessing the genetic diversity in Capsicum plants through ISSR and RAPD markers