Himrekha Agarwal
Associated PhD student

- Project: Project A.14
- Research Group
- Address: iomE, Hanns-Dieter-Hüsch-Weg 15 (Biozentrum I, Room 01-122), 55128 Mainz
"Being a part of the RTG gives me an opportunity to discuss ideas with other PhD students and deal with problems together."
- Since 2023: PhD studies on Molecular mechanisms and evolution of neurotoxin tolerance in the Colorado Potato Beetle
- 2020-2022: MSc in Biochemistry, University of Mumbai
Thesis: Impact of intergenerational parental effects due to diet on sexual selection in male wild mice (Mus musculus domesticus) under semi-natural conditions - 2016-2019: BSc in Zoology and Biochemistry, University of Mumbai
Working Experience
- 2021-2023:Research assistant, Working group of Dr. Anja Guenther, Behavioural Ecology of Individual Differences, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology