Career Advancement

GenEvo recognises that it is important to prepare PhD students for their future professional life and provides a range of activities to support them in the advancement of their careers.
In collaboration with the Advanced Training Programme of the International PhD Programme, the SFB 1361, and the RTG 4R, GenEvo offers workshops on career development skills like “Proposal writing”, “Application strategies” or “Career development”.
Networking and interdisciplinary exchange are very important tools to enhance career progress. Therefore, GenEvo organises events to promote the integration of students into the programme, the exchange of knowledge, and collaborations. These include:
- GenEvo kick-off, mid-term and closing symposia at which internationally leading scientists are invited to talk on the topics of the RTG.
- PhD student symposia where all GenEvo students present their work. These symposia are open to all members of GenEvo, but also other groups working on related topics and provide a broad forum for the exchange of know-how and ideas among PhD students.
- Off-site PhD student retreats provide opportunities for informal presentations and scientific discussions as well as social activities. As such, they also serve to create a community spirit.
In addition, all participating PhD students are encouraged to attend national and international conferences and present their work during these conferences. This is not only important to support their work but also in establishing contacts for their future careers. Furthermore, GenEvo students are encouraged to spend time in other laboratories —both within and outside of the RTG— wherever this would help their project or education. Participation in conferences and lab exchanges are finanically supported by providing travel fellowships.
Students are encouraged to develop academic careers following their PhD studies. This is financially supported through the GenEvo start-up funding awarded to the most promising students in a competitive process. These funds are intended to support and promote their transition to a postdoctoral position, including writing applications for competitive research grants.
To prepare students for the job market, they will be encouraged to participate in Career Events. These events offer presentations by professionals from a range of vocations in and outside of academia. Former IMB and JGU PhD students talk about their current positions, give workshops on the most important tools and strategies in these positions, and offer individual mentoring sessions.