Marcel Conrady
PhD student
- Project: Project 8.1
- Research Group
- Address: IMB, Ackermannweg 4 (Room 00.127), 55128 Mainz
- Phone: +49 (0) 6131-39-27430
"In the RTG we do our PhDs in a great, inspiring community and have many modern techniques in the life sciences just next door ready to use and learn allowing us to tackle our problems from multiple angles."
- Since 2019: PhD studies on monarch circadian clock proteins
- 2016-2019: MSc in Biochemistry, Eberhard-Karls-University in Tübingen, Germany; Thesis: Characterization of the LxxLL binding pocket of 31 E6 and Isolation of the E6/E7 complex from high-risk HPV (Simon Lab, University Hospital Tübingen)
- 2013-2016: BSc in Biochemistry, Eberhard-Karls -University in Tübingen, Germany; Thesis: Functional characterization of a computer-designed peptidase (Höcker Lab, Uni Bayreuth)
Working Experience
- 2019: Research Assistant, AG Simon, University Hospital Tübingen, Germany in Tübingen, Germany
- 2018: Internship, AG Bornscheuer, University Greifswald, Germany
- 2018: Internship, AG Travé, IGBMC Illkirch, France
- 2017: Team Member iGEM Tuebingen in Tübingen and Boston
- 2016: Internship, AG Höcker, MPI DevBio in Tübingen, Germany